Tony Nicklinson

Tony Nicklinson has now died having been committed to a slow and lingering suicide – thanks to the pomposity of some who seem to think they can judge on behalf of the human race (or at least those who are unfortunately living in the UK) on what is a human’s rights These very same people who have not fully experienced and thus understood  the conditions of Tony being locked into his own body unable to wipe the dribble off his face or wipe his own bottom claiming the prerogative of what is best.

A few years ago people were horrified when women had abortions –the pious claiming the gift of life. Now people can see that the gift of life is not always such a blessing and abortions though, conceding that some religious refute this – are, in general, accepted.

Death is part of life’s process. It can not be avoided or eliminated – no matter who you are.

Tony Nicklinson had a stroke. A hundred years ago he would have probably died. Medicine has improved beyond recognition. For the most part this is wonderful and gives many a new lease of life. But to others it is a life sentence of unbearable suffering and distress.

Tony’s crime was to be unable to move and consequently unable to administer for himself the lethal dose required to relieve him from his suffering.

Is this justice?

Legislation should be able to say that in these circumstances then the victim (and this is the only way I perceive him), should be able to nod his head, give a wink, or whatever he is capable of doing in assent for someone else to press the ‘trigger”.

If he was my loved one, I would consider it an honour.


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